Rośliny ozdobne - ornamental plants | 2021

167. Obsession Quartz PW-280 • WK 7÷17 | PW-395 • WK 9÷15 PW-280 • WK 7÷21 | PW-395 • WK 7÷17 44219 O bsession R ed 44220 O bsession R ed with E ye 44224 O bsession E yed M ix 44228 O bsession M ix 44202 Q uartz B urgundy with E ye XP 44204 Q uartz R ed with E ye XP 44206 Q uartz S carlet XP 44231 Q uartz P ink XP 44232 Q uartz P urple XP 44207 Q uartz W hite XP 44208 Q uartz M ixture XP Verbena x hybrida Verbena x hybrida Rośliny jednoroczne | siewka